Down To Earth: Cornell Conversations About

Perspectives on climate



If you missed our live stream panel discussion on climate change, its impacts and solutions, you can catch up now! We brought together several academics from Cornell to provide their unique perspective on climate change. This includes: Professor Natalie Mahowald: Dr. Mahowald is a Professor of Engineering and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. She is an American Geophysical Union Fellow, recipient of the American Meteorological Society Henry G. Houghton Award, and was one of the Lead Authors of the 2018 Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees IPCC Special Report.  Her research focuses on understanding global and regional scale atmospheric transport of biogeochemically important species such as desert dust. She is also interested in how humans are perturbing the natural environment, especially through biochemical feedback.  Professor Mike Hoffmann: Dr. Mike Hoffmann is the executive director of the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions, which was created to help raise the profile of the challenges posed b