Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Randi Braun, On the Other Side of the Great Resignation – A New Playbook for Women at Work, Episode 293



We’ve been in a series of changes in energy since the beginning of the year and it feels like everyone has come roaring into 2023 breaking out of the gate. I see so many breakthroughs happening for my clients, colleagues, and even in my own business. Jump over to my website and you’ll see all kinds of changes happening from a new look and feel, all the way to how we’re igniting a new paradigm of entrepreneurship, weaving soulful inspiration into mindful business strategies… bringing Soul+Strategy™ into our businesses, so we can build businesses with a more feminine, abundant approach. Today I’m diving in with Randi Braun where we talk about women leaving behind the hustle culture – whether they stay in their corporate jobs and move to something better or take the leap to launch their own business. The great resignation is happening for a reason… women are burnt out. We’re being called to do life differently. While my business revolves around women taking the leap to start their own business, Randi’s business