American Family Farmer

3/30/23 - AFF - Meet A Student Who Helps Develop Young Farmers



Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news all about living expenses for Family Farmers being up 14% from last year, a new totally electric tactor that can run for three hours on a charge is being produced in Michigan, a California manufacturer claims to have sold one-thousand of their electric tractors. Next, we meet Cristian Gilces, a New York State FFA Reporter who has a passion for Urban Agriculture. Throughout his Supervised Agricultural Experience he has worked at the Queens Farm, and he is a long-term intern at Grow NYC. He is also an avid indoor gardener, with an indoor greenhouse full of house plants. He strongly believes FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about how young farmers can be brainwashed by the likes of Bayer Chemical and why John Deere isn't living up to Right-To