American Family Farmer

3/23/23 - AFF - Helping New Farmers To Get Growing



Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news all about National AG Week, it's seeding time in some parts of the country, does the new Farm Bill favor large farms over small farms?, over 90% of the Farm Bill benefits go to large farms and an explanation of the Thrifty Food Plan. Next, we meet Senior Conservation Associate Montgomery Countryside Alliance, Kristina Bostick. Kristina grew up in Montgomery County and has returned after a number of years in North Carolina, where she earned her Masters in Public Administration and worked on numerous environmental issues. She values all the ways the Ag Reserve benefits the region but nothing beats the excitement of a weekly CSA box or the first peaches of summer, all grown right there! Montgomery County and the Countryside Alliance are ready to help new farmers to get growing. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about getting your financial house in order and being politically astute with representatives a