Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

How Can We Host Virtual Events That Feel Like We’re Human ?



Today's conversation fits under the P of People If you're a regular here, you know that I'm organizing the conversations around the 7Ps of the Humane Marketing Mandala. (If you're new here and don't know what I'm talking about you can download your 1page marketing plan with the Humane Marketing version of the 7 Ps of Marketing at It comes with 7 email prompts to really help you reflect on these different Ps). So, we’re talking about the P of people or H of Humans. Only 5 years ago, if I said ‘People’ you probably pictured a room full of people, or you and your clients or you and your friends going for a walk. Today, in the business context, a lot of the People stuff happens online, on Zoom. I’ve been working online for many years before the pandemic, so it wasn’t a big change for me. I remember putting up a bonus free webinar to help teachers get acquinted with Zoom in the early months of the pandemic. Well, now everyone is Zooming. But not everyone does it well. Just the