Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton

Ep. 227/ Dr Polo. Staying Psychologically Grounded During Economic Downturns and Layoffs



Being laid off from work is one of the major traumas an individual can suffer. Our jobs have a profound impact on our financial well-being and sense of security, as well as providing a necessary social support and daily purpose. So, how do we cope when we are suddenly laid off from work? Dr. Jim Polo provides a framework for making sure your mindset remains strong and optimistic, including:  Taking time to reassess what went right and what you'd do differently at work. Finding a support group who can help you decompress and begin a job search. Avoiding catastrophic thinking. Focusing on what you can control.  Eliminating the stigma of unemployment and using available resources. Taking the opportunity to reassess your life's goals. Networking the right way to find the next meaningful role.