The Tao Of Jun

I Feel So Alive!!!



I'm on my way to go scouting on public lands for the first time in my life!!! I just purchased my hunting license, and can now legally enter any of the amazing Wildlife Management Areas (WMA's) here in GA. Turkey season just opened (March 20th), so I decided to go to the Broad River WMA to scout for signs of Turkeys in the area. I'm so excited I can barely contain myself!!! You don't have to take up hunting, but I would strongly encourage you to find something that excites you!!! Something that you feel gives your life purpose and meaning. Just pick something and go after it!!! If it turns out to be the wrong thing, than you can always change your mind and try something else. But to waste your time here on Earth doing things out of routine, obligations, and even worse - doing things out of guilt, in my opinion, is to waste the most precious gift we've been given: Time. "The wear and tear of living is not worth the price we pay for it, unless we're really going for it! Unless we're working toward a worthy goal