The Tao Of Jun

Weathering the Storm of Life



I'm finally beginning to feel better about myself and my current situation. I remember hearing an analogy about a ship in the ocean. As long as there are no holes in the ship, and the water cannot get inside, the ship will not sink. I've been hit with the winds of divorce, and the storm of sadness. My ship has been damaged. But instead of focusing my energy and attention on repairing my ship, I've been wasting my time blaming the ocean of life. Shaking my fist at the sky in anger and resentment. Blaming the waves instead of repairing the damage within myself. Now that I've found the real source of my pain, I'm now feeling so much better! It's empowering to know that I have the power to repair my broken heart, and still make something beautiful out of my shattered dreams. Like Dr Wayne Dyer used to say, "When you refuse to go within, you will always go without." --- Support this podcast: