International Christian Church Sermons

Glorious life(Part 4: Contemplation)



Welcome to week 4 of our glorious life Sermon Series as we take a 6-week journey to the resurrection. Each week we are looking at a different aspect of Jesus’ life and ministry during His time here on earth. Each week we are getting a glimpse into the glorious life possible in and through Christ.  In week one we discussed Jesus’ humility and last week we tackled Christ’s overcoming temptation. This week we take a look at one of Jesus’ most powerful habits; contemplation, or being still and quiet with God. Main Scripture: Mark 1:35  Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Definition: “Contemplation”  The action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time.  The act of spending devotion with the Father for the sake of knowing Him more and for the sake of taking rest in Him. How to develop a more fulfilling and devoted life of contemplation, prayer, and stillness? 1. Lift your eyes up “I lift up my eyes to