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How To Raise Boys Who Respect Girls



                                       Amazing insights and guidance for parents of boys and encouragement for parents of girls...Dave Willis and his wife are raising four boys to respect the value of women. Check out his life-changing tips, as he shares from his book Raising Boys Who Respect Girls: Upending Locker Room Mentality, Blind Spots, and Unintended Sexism. How To Raise Boys as Champions, Encouragers, and Respecters of Women Overcoming The Locker Room Mentality  Tips and Takeaways for Parents of Boys! Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR... Listen to ChannelMom Radio on 94.7 FM in Denver on Fridays @ 1PM MT - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM. ALSO Listen on Faith Talk 99.5 FM Fridays @ 2PM CT in Little Rock! OR... SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel! Go to Amazon Smile and choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Amazon Smile to donate to!