Channelmom Media

The "Fast Way" To Change Your Body and Mind!



                                    This is it...YOUR chance to get your body, mind, heart and soul on a new path. Wendy Speake is a mother and actress with a heart for getting women back on track with food and faith! Join Wendy and Jenny Dean Schmidt to learn how The 40-Day Sugar Fast can change your life for the better and bring you closer to God. You'll love the difference in your mood, your mind, your body AND your spirit, as physical detox meets spiritual transformation!  How To Stop Running To Sugar For Comfort Discover If You Use Food As an Answer to Boredom Be Set Free From Your Cravings to Find a Renewed Spirit! Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR... LISTEN to the next ChannelMom Radio or SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel! Listen to ChannelMom Radio on 94.7 FM in Denver on Fridays @ 1PM MT - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM. ALSO Listen on Faith Talk 99.5 FM Fridays @ 2PM CT in Little Rock! Go to Amazon Smile and choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Amazon Smile to donate to!