Channelmom Media

How To Overcome Obstacles As Single Mom



Amazing mom of three, Sherri Martin, with her husband Rod Are you facing some tough stuff as a mom? Be inspiredby this mother's unbelievable story… she suddenly found herself single when her first husband abandoned herand emptied their bank accounts. Despite the threat of poverty, she worked 3 jobs while raising 3 children--all to save enough money to give her family a purposeful, new life. Theend of her storywill encourage you, moms! TUNE INfor the life-changing story of Sherri Martin How to Overcome Abandonment and Hardship Tips to Save Money In Hard Times to Build A Future How Single Moms Can Pursue The Best for Their Kids Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR... Listen to next ChannelMom Radio on 94.7 FM in Denver on Fridays @ 1PM MT OR... Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM or join us on Facebook LIVE                                            ALSO Listen on Faith Talk 99.5 FM Fridays @ 2PM CT in Little Rock! Shop Amazon?? Go to Amazon Smileand choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Ama