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How to Choose Conventional Or Natural Medicine?



Uncover Root Of Your Diseases To Find Healing Do you have somechronic health issuesin your family? Maybe it’s you or your kids and you just want to find the BEST path toward healing. We’ll look at causes of diseaseand differences between "natural" and "traditional" medicine. Dr. Kim Fliegelserved as an RN in the medical field and now practices as a naturopath. She discusses most EFFECTIVE and REAL healingfor your body…PLUShelp your kids be inspired in their personal faith! How To Find the Root Cause of What Ails You Learn Differences Between Medical Approaches  Learn To Balance Traditional and Natural Healing! Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR... Listen to the next ChannelMom Radio or join us on Facebook LIVE Listen to ChannelMom Radio on 94.7 FMin Denver on Fridays @ 1PM MT - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM.                                             ALSO Listen on Faith Talk 99.5 FM Fridays @ 2PM CT in Little Rock! Shop Amazon?? Go to Amazon Smileand choose ChannelMom Media as cha