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Popular Author on Finding God's Will for Your Life...



Love & Respect Author Speaks to Moms About God How do we find God’s will for life's big decisions? Should you take the job? Quit the job? Begin a relationship? End a relationship? Move? Plant roots? There ARE answers according to Dr. Eggerichs, famed author of Love & Respect. Eggerichs believes the Bible itself reveals the clue--a secret hidden in plain sight. SIMPLE TRUTHS to set you free to make the best decisions for your mom life. Learn from Dr. E's new book: The Four Wills of God: The Way He Directs Our Steps and Frees Us to Direct Our Own Discover The Four Wills Of God Learn The Starting Point for Making Your Next Decision Find The Freedom God Gives You to Decide Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast or...  Listen to ChannelMom Radio (or join us on Facebook LIVE) Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM Shop Amazon?? Go to Amazon Smileand choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Amazon Smile to donate to!