Channelmom Media

3 God Lessons For Your Child's Life



Want God To Be Relevant In Your Child's Life?  Many moms struggle with HOW TO make God relevant in their kids' everyday lives, When VBS or Sunday School are not ENOUGH... Try 3 GOD LESSONS for your kids.  Finding "teachable moments" for your kids' to incorporate God into their decisions.      It's time for Ask Pastor Thomas for moms to bring their toughest life questions to Pastor Thomas!  Next time your child comes home complaining about another child at school... Try ONE tip outlined on This Week's Show. LIFE-CHANGING advice for you AND your kids! Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast or... Listen to  ChannelMom Radio(or join us on Facebook LIVE) Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM Pastor Thomas Fitzpatrick is Senior Pastor at West Bowles Community Churchi  If you shop Amazon, go to Amazon Smileand choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Amazon Smile  to donate to!