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Need Discipline That Works for Your Kids? Try New Tips!



Motivation and Discipline for the School Year With the transition back-to-school, you may find yourself in a BATTLE of THE WILLS within your home. MAYBE your family is experiencing an INCREASE in discipline and DECREASE of motivation! Get equipped for SUPER SUCCESS in the upcoming school year... Counselor Jami Kirkbride offers BEST ideas for motivating your child and FRESH perspective on discipline issues. You don’t want to miss this---two of our most-asked questions from MOMS! And we WELCOME your personal questions when you call-in or post on Facebook.  MOTIVATE your child without meltdowns and mayhem! Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on the THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR... LISTEN to ChannelMom Radio(or join us on Facebook LIVE). Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM If you shop Amazon, go to Amazon Smileand choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Amazon Smile  to donate to!