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5 Ways for Moms to Combat Depression



How To Overcome Depression for Your Family Recent suicides of DESIGNER and MOM, Kate Spade... TV HOST, Anthony Bourdain... and MUSIC ARTIST, Avicii... AND experts warn that suicide has SKYROCKETED and depression has JUMPED. For the sake of yourself and your kids... discover 5 Ways to Combat Depression. Change your life for the better with advice from Dr Gregg Jantzon: How to uncover underlying causes of depression Discovering emotional roots of anger, fear and guilt How to discover health-related ties to depression Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR... LISTEN to next ChannelMom Radio (or join us on Facebook LIVE).  Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM If you shop Amazon, go to Amazon Smile and choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Amazon Smile  to donate to!