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Get Free Counseling Advice, Moms!



Get Your Mom Life Sorted Out With Call The Counselor! Do you ever feel like you need a professional counselor sitting in your family room? Settling disputes, healing hurt feelings and halting family drama... Well, that's why ChannelMom created Call The Counselor to help solve Your Everyday Mom Issues. Professional Counselor Jami Kirkbride In The House to Answer Your Questions:  Does counseling really help? What’s the stigma around counseling? Why should people go to counseling? How does it help to tell a stranger your problems? What if I don’t want to talk about something painful? Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR... Listen to ChannelMom Radio (or join us on Facebook LIVE). ----more---- Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM If you shop Amazon, go to Amazon Smile and choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Amazon Smile  to donate to!