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Sheila Walsh Helps Moms Deal With Life's Messes



Tips for Moms Dealing With Messy Life from Sheila Walsh Sheila Walsh offers HELP for moms overwhelmed by the "messy" in life. As a popular speaker, author and performer, Sheila has dealt with EXTREME MESSINESS.  With brutal honesty, Sheila shares her struggles with depression, suicidal thoughts and more. Showing you ways to find STRENGTH in the STRUGGLE from her new book In the Middle of The Mess: Strength for This Beautiful, Broken Life Get Tips to HELP you HANDLE YOUR MESSY LIFE. PLUS, you'll be invited to a SPECIAL EVENT to hear Sheila Speak! Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR...  Listen to ChannelMom Radio (or join us on Facebook LIVE) Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM If you shop Amazon, go to Amazon Smile and choose ChannelMom Media as charity for Amazon Smile  to donate to!