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Moms Say Regret Having Kids... Solutions for Mom Regret



How To Overcome Mom Regret--Takeaway Tips! Is it true?  Are MORE MOMS admitting they regret becoming moms? Too much pressure? Overwhelming tasks? Painful outcomes? Unexpected hurdles? How to deal with THIS and other mom regret from MOPS expert on ChannelMom. Sherri Crandall of MOPS International brings some How To Tips you can HANDLE.  Sherri wants to help YOU and YOUR KIDS thrive this year Get 3 Best Takeaway Tips for helping your youngsters THRIVE in 2018. Tune in and ENJOY your Mom Life on THIS ChannelMom Podcast OR Listen to ChannelMom Radio (or join us on Facebook LIVE).  Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM If you order Shellie's book online, you can ALSO donate to ChannelMom Media thru Amazon Smile!