Channelmom Media

Get Happy In The Midst Of The Mess... from MOPS



Tips to Boost Your Hope For A Happier Household: MOPS on ChannelMom... What a mom needs when life seems messy. Jinny Jordan, Editor of Hello, Dearest, offers takeaway advice from latest blogs... on finding hope in the messiness of motherhood, encouraging patience when instant gratification is the goal, AND a fun DIY to inspire hope in your kids! PLUS we've got a new way for moms to engage and have a voice on the Channel made for them. Be heard. Catch it all on this ChannelMom Podcast. OR Listen to ChannelMom Radio... Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM On Denver's 94.7 KRKS FM OR Stream at LISTEN LIVE link above.       Save