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Best Advice for Moms of Sons (Win New Book!)



Proof That Certain Words Work Best for Boys... Featuring Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, Author of new release, Mother & Son [WIN BOOK by tweeting us @ChannelMom #MotherandSon] Is there a magic key to break through to your boy(s) and build them up for success? Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, of Love & Respect fame, is sharing tips from his soon-to-be-released book... and we'll hear it first on ChannelMom Radio & Podcast Also catch ChannelMom Radio live... Listen Fridays @ 1PM - Saturdays @ 7AM and @ 2:30PM On Denver's 94.7 KRKS FM OR Stream the show at link above More from Dr. Eggerichs at