Channelmom Media

NFL Family's Secret Pt. 2



Best Advice For Success To Help Moms… And Kids Pt. 2: NFL Bronco Wife, Stephanie Johnson It may surprise you, but this NFL wife encourages stability over celebrity… her secret to marital stability and best advice for success in life.  Plus, she’s got a few principles she can pass along to other moms and moms-to-be who want to succeed and help their kids succeed. How To Help Your Kids Succeed In Life Why this advice is surprising… but could be a huge help to BOTH moms and kids.  Wife of Denver Bronco, Steven Johnson, shares what helped her husband succeed against all odds.  Amazing tips… and good for your kids to hear too. Hope her words encourage you to love your family and raise your kids with great goals and a vision for helping others! More Great Advice And NFL Secrets More of Stephanie’s best advice for success, offered up in ChannelMom interview, is uploading to CM Podcasts.