Channelmom Media

Greek Yogurt Snacks (Weight Loss)



Kid Snacks In Under 3 Minutes! Snack Recipes For Kids… That They’ll Actually Enjoy! Quick & easy recipes for moms who want healthy snacks that their kids will actually eat! Take in a few fun recipes in less than 3 minutes. Health Benefits For Adults Including Weight Loss Easy-to-follow recipes PLUS main ingredient has special health benefits for adults, including promoting weight loss and lowering blood pressure.  Toby Amidor, nutritionist and author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen offers some healthy snack recipes for kids and easy tips for moms to whip up more healthful snack options — even those who don’t like to cook! More Healthy Recipes For Moms & Kids More of this interview uploading soon to CM Podcasts or discover more fun & nutritious recipes at SHARE! Tags: channelmom, cooking for kids, health food for kids, healthy kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids, healty snack recipes, jenny dean Schmidt, moms, the greek yogu