Warren Wiersbe Podcast

Spiritual Gifts: Foundation Facts About Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1-11)



About this Sermon: Dr. Warren Wiersbe explores the foundation Paul lays for the matter of spiritual gifts. The Bible tells us that the Trinity works together to give, administer, and operate gifts. Our spiritual gifts are to be used for the good of everyone and the glory of God. This message was preached on April 20, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 About this Series: When discussing spiritual gifts, it’s common to get caught up in controversial issues. Pastor Wiersbe reminds believers that we each have a gift, and those gifts are to be used for God’s glory and the good of others. Follow along as we dive into the meaning of each spiritual gift and how they are intended to be used. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: https://twitter.com/warrenwiersbe Visit Wiersbe.com to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and