Adat Hatikvah Messianic Sermons

Heart Attack Prayer



####Background: True repentance requires admitting we are sinners, sorry for what we have done, and turning back to the LORD.- Jeremiah 4:1-2- Jeremiah 4:3-4- Jeremiah 4:5-10- Jeremiah 4:11-18- Jeremiah 4:19-22- Jeremiah 4:23-28####Going Deeper group study questions:- Read Jer. 4:1-2 - What does it mean to put away detestable things?- Read Jer 4:3-4; Deut 10:16; 30:6; Rom 2:28, 29; Col 2:11 - What does it mean to circumcise our hearts?- Read Jer. 4:5-18 - What can we do to get away from the wrath of God?- Read Jer. 4:19-28 - What is Jeremiah so upset about? - Are we upset about the same things?