Adat Hatikvah Messianic Sermons

Mountain Quake Prayer



####Background: In 62:11 we were called to watch for a coming salvation…Now we are invited right into that situation, and given a privileged position alongside watchmen on Zion’s walls as a mysterious figure approaches majestically and proclaims the execution of vengeance, redemption and salvation. *Motyer, J. A. (1999). Isaiah: an introduction and commentary* - Isaiah 63:1-6 - Isaiah 63:7-9 - Isaiah 63:10-14 - Isaiah 63:15-19 - Isaiah 64:1-12####Going Deeper group study questions:- Read Isa. 63:1-6, Rev 19:13-15 - Why is Messiah’s clothing covered in blood? - Read Isa. 63:7-9; Ps 25:6; 92:2 - What is lovingkindness? - Read Ex 6:7; Is 3:15; 51:4 - Circle the descriptive words in Isa 63:7-9. - In what ways is Isaiah playing off of Passover?- Read Isa. 63:10-19 - But…what is the our problem? - Read Isa. 64 - In what ways do we need God to set things ablaze in our lives? - How can we be surprised by his presence?