Adat Hatikvah Messianic Sermons

Healing Prayer



Background: After Sennacherib was able to destroy Jerusalem, Hezekiah finds out that he is dying. He offers a prayer of lament to the Lord and gets an amazing answer.2 Kings 20:1-3 “In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill...”2 Kings 20:4-7 “Thus says the Lord...”2 Kings 20:8-11 “What will be the sign that the Lord will heal me...”Psalm 90Matthew 10:29–31Going Deeper group study questions:Read 20:1-3 Have you ever gotten such bad news that you wept bitterly?How have you prayed in the past? • Is it okay to be sad?• Is it okay to ask God for a change?Read 20:4-7 notice there is always word and signRead 20:8-11 Ho can this story affect how you pray for your life?