Wisdom For Working Mums

How To Make Flexible Working Work



Lack of flexibility at work pushes too many women out of the workforce. So many women end up leaving their jobs and even their careers because they can’t find a way to combine their work and motherhood in a sustainable way. And while flexible working might seem like the solution to the working mum juggle, asking for and getting your flexible working request approved is a whole different story. In my latest podcast episode, I'm joined by Olivia Bath from The Women's Vault. We explore the external and internal barriers to asking for flexible working and making it work in your life. You can listen to the episode here: https://wisdomforworkingmums.co.uk/105 or via itunes, stitcher or spotify. Or you can find it on most other podcast platforms and apps. Could you do me a huge favour and share this episode with two or three working mums that pop into your head as you listen? My mission is to support as many working mums on their journey as possible, and so I’d be so grateful if you supported them by offering th