Aisling Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation #317: How dreams help with relationships, gifts and purpose



On today's show; Marcy is closing a door on a storm surge but really the dream is about her relationship. Molly dreams of issues with mother earth - but that one is on point. That and more on today's show. You can now watch the previous Aisling Dream Clinic at  If you want your dream analyzed on our show, you can submit it here  And when you do submit a dream that I use on my show, you get a bonus private call with me to talk about it.  Dream: Cleaning the light switch Kay wants to clean a light switch. This dream tells her how her channeling works - and a whole lot more. Dream: Closing the door on the storm surge. Marcy is in a hotel on the beach and has to shut the door quickly because of a storm surge. Crazy!  Dream: Divergent Molly’s mom shows up as a guide in her dream! That is rare! This dream is about heading to a point of great awareness. This dream actually reveals why Molly is here. To help people who have never had an earth en