Tucker's Dj Mixtape Podcast

@AZEALIABANKS appreciation tweet



This was fun to make. To me, Azealia Banks is the most interesting artist to emerge in the last 20 years and deserves all the flowers. 212 FuCk hIm aLl nIgHt gImMe a cHaNcE SoDa 1991 FiErCe tHe bIg bIg bEaT LuXuRy mOvIn’ On uP (cOcO’S SoNg, LoVe bEaTs rHyMeS) pArAdIsO ChAsInG TiMe mIsS AmOr vAn vOgUe tReAsUrE IsLaNd nEw bOtTeGa oUt oF SpAcE FaNtAsEa aZeAlIa sKiT (fAnTaSeA MiXtApE) lIqUoRiCe cOuNt cOnTeSsA MiSs cAmArAdErIe aNnA WiNtOuR HyPnOtIc (HoUsE MiX)