Power Station

I flipped the organizational chart so the CEO and executive team are at the bottom supporting frontline staff



As Felipe Pinzon says, not enough Americans know how nonprofits change communities. His own organization, Hispanic Unity of Florida, provides a master class in how transformative change in marginalized communities is made. It started in 1982, when residents recognized that immigrants arriving in South Florida needed help to manage the many complex transitions they faced. Hispanic Unity became a safe space where families learned how to navigate new systems, from public schools to healthcare to learning English, finding employment, and becoming citizens. Hispanic Unity sites the number of jobs attained, businesses started, and homes purchased by new immigrants among its successes. It also considers its public policy advocacy and committment to standing by the community in a deeply anti-immigrant environment a metric of impact. It's 2 Generation approach, working simultaneously with children and their parents to keep all family members on track for reaching their goals is key to building self-sufficiency and gen