John Tapp Racing

Episode 131: Kima Frenning



It was a delight to catch up with the young lady who arrived from Sweden just under five years ago hoping to get some opportunities in Melbourne’s Monte races. Kima talks about her early days in Australia riding trotters rather than driving them. She slowly made the transition to the sulky, and after a shaky start suddenly emerged as a promising driver. Kima talks about the tremendous support she’s had from  trainers and owners. She pays tribute to I’m The Boss, the horse to launch her career. She looks back on the Shepparton Cup win when she got up to beat her boss David Aiken on the champion Lenny The Shark. She apologised to David as they went past the post. She talks of Wrapper’s Delight, the horse to take her to another level with a win in an Inter Dominion heat at Ballarat. Kima speaks fondly of Buster Brady, the first horse she’s trained in her own right. Together they’ve won a string of country Cups, and they haven’t finished yet.