Moonlight Audio Theatre




PROJECT AUDION - The Lineup: "The Scared Schoolmarm Scrape" Premiered Aug 7, 2020 Project Audion’s newest cross-country OTR recreation is an episode of the police drama "The Lineup" which hasn't been heard since it was originally broadcast in January 1952. The Lineup was added to the CBS radio schedule after Dragnet became a massive hit, and ran for four years on radio, plus six years on television and a 1958 movie. The lead cop role (which was portrayed in 1952 by Bill Johnstone, who was a former "Shadow" and “Whistler”) is here played by Ed Dennis, an actual law enforcement officer for four decades. He even used his own handcuffs in the show's final scene. Our full cast: Ed Dennis / Illinois Dan Keenan / Colorado Chris Marcellus / Utah Angela Young / Florida John Bell / Alabama Barry Katz / Florida Kim Titus / Texas Denny Thompson / Colorado Tom Wilkins / Illinois Ken Raney did SFX from Texas, Denny Thompson directed, and Larry Groebe produced the show.