Machine Learning

The Return of History and the End of Dreams



The Russian reserve, the third largest in the world, is invested 40 percent in the euro and 27 percent in the dollar. The Russian central bank is not selling euros or dollars in a rapid rate. China has initiated currency swap with Russia to help stablize the ruble and prevent panic sell of the euro. China probably has about a trillion dollars worth of euros. If the Russian central bank panicked and began sell off of the ruble then china may be able to buy some of the sell off. The Russian central bank has indicated it won't sell it portion of euros. However, the Russian central bank has 7 percent bad loan defaults and 7 to 8 percent inflation. Interest rates in Russian must rise to offset hyperinflation and food price surges. The Russian central bank continues to buy gold indicate failing confidence in currencies and world economic growth. Russia's economic growth depends on oil sales to Europe and china. If these economies show signs of weakening more distress will be place on the Russian central bank. A fed