On The Edge With April Mahoney

Tammy De Mirzo author & psychic medium fell in love with a man in prison



Tammy De Mirza is internationally known as The Breakthrough Alchemist™. She is an experienced intuitive guide who travels the world speaking and helping people understand their subconscious minds, create the freedom they desire, and transform their lives. Tammy authored the book, The Inmate and the Medium, in which she shares her personal experiences of using spiritual and universal laws to overcome homelessness and other obstacles. She is also the author of a series of books called Relationship Breakthrough Principles™ that provide practical, tangible ways to move from a disempowered to empowered state with clarity. Her first book in this series is Stop Running, Start Clarifying, and Get the Love You Want. At the age of 11, through a series of events, Tammy was able to communicate on the non-physical level and started spontaneously doing readings for her friends, family and others. She has the ability to communicate with people who have transitioned to the other side, as well as teachers, guides, masters, en