Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 472 The Science of Weekend Recovery



Would you consider your weekend as a time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself? Do you find it challenging to disengage from work on the weekend? Are you sneaking checking email in the bathroom or sending work texts at your child’s basketball or soccer game? This behavior is more rampant than you know! As many as 20 percent of Americans spend nearly six hours working over weekends and holidays. Why? A project is due; you need to get caught up; this behavior will get you promoted and is expected. While all of this may be true, the cost could be your relationships and physical and mental health. In today’s podcast, Dr. Bray shares advice on changing your weekend to include recovery and rejuvenation. He will discuss the different types of healing and look at how you spend your week to decide on the recovery you need. Don’t miss this short, informative, and entertaining episode.  If you can believe it, Dr. Bray finished this one in less than 10 minutes. *The Science of Weekend Recovery by Jeffrey Davis. Psychology