
368: media, interview and presentation skills



In this episode, we chat about sharing your story publicly. If you struggle with anxiety and nerves when speaking and sharing your story, this episode is for you! Whether you're getting interviewed on a podcast or on national TV. Or maybe it's networking at a business conference or social event. This episode is highly actionable and we're sure you'll feel more confident for your next speaking opportunity.This is what we spoke about during the episodeCommunication, conversation, and relationship building are important in every single field.There are simple ways to prepare yourself for any situation.Prepare yourself. Have insight and something in your back pocket, do not go into an event or interview opportunity with zero information.Be educational, entertaining and interesting.Any media is an opportunity for you to get free advertising and if you have your key messages, it can lead to an amazing outcome.Bring in a story to get your point across or weave your key messages through story. People connect and