Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Live Check in Q&A No.95



Cold calling/messaging is something I’m not use to or comfortable with Do you have any advice on building confidence and putting together a system to track? I am thinking of running ads to promote my boxing classes, but I dont know whether its worth it because I would be advertising to people that arent a member at my gym. This could be a positive but also a negative. What do you think I should do? Do you think we should have at least one lead magnet of each type (awareness/consideration/decision)? And what kind of impact does the type of the lead magnet have on our marketing once the prospect has signed up for it? For example, would you use different CTAs depending on if the prospect is listening to our podcast or if they've joined our accountability group? - Different approaches for nurturing direct vs indirect leads. e.g. how to approach/when to be direct with a regular class members vs someone who signed up for a free health check for instance. Would you be inclined to offer PT earlier to one o