What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#342 Ozan Varol- Igniting your Inner Genius to Escape Conformity and Unleash Creativity



Ozan Varol (originally on episode 205) is a former rocket scientist, lawyer, professor, and bestselling author who utilized his own practices to transition to a new career that has zero to do with science or the law. He is also the author of the new book AWAKEN YOUR GENIUS: Escape Conformity, Ignite Creativity, and Become Extraordinary, which helps kick people out of auto-piloting their lives and work and shows them how to unlock their originality and talents.   We discuss:  • The secret to stop overthinking and start doing  • Why your most scarce resource is not your time or your money • Why most people choose the wrong career (and what to do about it) • The surprising strategies that work to boost creativity (it worked for The Office writers!)   https://ozanvarol.com/ I’ve studied hundreds of the world’s must successful people and compiled:13 Insights from the World’s Most Successful People – Click Here to get access  https://youunleashedcourse.com/ You Unleashed is an online personal development course