Data Book

S6 Ep18: Podcast: Using Digital Solutions to Address Technology Shortfalls with Citius Tech Senior VPs



Technology is everywhere in healthcare, and the list of ways that digital solutions can improve health outcomes and cut costs is endless: technology is used to improve consumer engagement, identify patients who are at risk of events like a heart attack, and increasingly to help different parts of the healthcare system to talk to each other. But when technology falls short of its promise, it can add costs and burdens for those who use it. The best example might be the electronic health record. Next-generation digital providers are helping to leverage technology to find the value long promised. Today, DataBook welcomes CitiusTech, a next-generation specialist provider that works with payers, providers, medical technology and life science markets. In an interview recorded earlier this year, Chief Healthcare Executive Associate Editorial Director Mary Caffrey spoke with 2 leaders of Citius Tech about meeting healthcare challenges with digital solutions. Her guests a