Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

SALON - A Different Way to Dream: Vision, Plan & Focus Your Year, The Feminine Way 2019



There is a misunderstanding in our culture about visioning, dreaming and goals setting that stems from the go,go, go,work hard, stay busy, mindset we've been trained to operate from in the distorted versions of masculine and feminine power in our mainstream systems. Even big misunderstandings about manifesting, the law of attraction, and vision boards of baseline spiritual teaching that lead to self criticism & stress later in the year. The good news is this....There is another way, a sacred, super-powered way to dream, that gives you access to deeper levels of Wisdom that can fuel  & focus what you desire to create for yourself, your work, your family and this world in 2019. Which is why I, Christine Arylo, held this special feminine wisdom session and salon, A Different Way to Dream. Originally livestreamed via video, here for you now, where we will dive into: Why using traditional goal-setting, resolution-making, manifesting techniques, and vision boarding can create  more stress,  pressure and s