Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

POWER PRACTICE: The Holiday Harmonizer



How you complete the year directly impacts how you feel and start the coming year. So how do you want to FEEL when you wake up in the new year? So that you can start the new year ready, at a full tank, clear and strong on the inside?  This is a question I ask every year as the holiday swirl starts so that I make sure I don't get caught up in the over consuming, over eating, over spending, over scheduling, over shopping...a set up for starting the new year depleted and already feeling behind.  I developed this Feminine Super Power Practice, which I use every year and have taught women around the world, to give us 'super power' to make choices over the holidays that support and sustain us vs drain us... so that come the start of the new year we are recharged and ready for what is to come.  I call it the Holiday Harmonizer. It's simple yet mighty. I'll teach you the practice, lead you through it, and then send you off with a simple way to practice it every day until Jan 2nd.  It will help you say no to the invit