Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Ep 34: The Lie About Time & Your Power to Create Space



I have never met a woman who does not desire more space in her life - for herself, for spending time with those she loves, for doing the things she loves... yet when it comes down to making choices to 'spend time' on herself, women feel guilty, like they should be spending their time and money on others or "more responsible" things, and like it's just impossible to 'find the time' to 'make the time' their hearts and souls crave.... and that literally their lives and health depend on.   Breaking this paradigm of never having enough time isn't just some nice luxury of pampering... our very health and lives depend on changing our relationship to time so we can create the space we need physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo invites us to: See how we are screwing ourselves out of what we need because we've bought into and are living on a 'linear time based' system that by nature makes us feel like we are behind and don't enough time. Invoke and learn