Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Lynn Whitbeck, Igniting Your Sales and Unleashing Lasting Profits, Episode 295



It's been 15 years since I left behind my former VP of Marketing job. As a businesswoman, what made us successful in the corporate world isn't what makes us successful as entrepreneurs, especially in this day and age. Times have changed. We are being called and have been called to lead a new paradigm of business. I see women entrepreneurs leading the way. Not only are we bringing new ways of doing business, but we are also integrating our wisdom, our intuition, our souls. We are prioritizing self-care and we are making ways of impact on the communities that we serve. If you are being called to grow your business this way, I invite you to join me on May 24 for Extraordinary Women Prosper, a one-day online business retreat. Prosper will help you elevate your vision for your business, your community and your life. Today I'm excited to introduce you to our guest, Lynn Whitbeck, the queen of sales. She has 30 plus years of executive sales experience and today helps business owners and entrepreneurs up their sales