American Family Farmer

4/13/23 - AFF - Getting Kids Excited About Agriculture



Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about how the war between Russia and The Ukraine war is affecting our American farmers, new laws that enforce distance between cars and farm equipment, Illinoi's Clover Hill Farm was destroyed by a recent tornado and local town folk and farmers are helping them to rebuild. Next, we meet Melanie Berndtson, Grand Canyon Pennsylvania FFA Advisor, and Agriscience Teacher at Wellsboro Area High School. Melanie grew up splitting her time between a suburban community in New Hampshire and the small farm her father owned. While her friends and classmates were preparing for careers in nine-to-five office jobs, Melanie was most excited about her weekends on the farm and working with animals. Over the course of her 15 years at Wellsboro, she has become passionate about helping students and other teachers understand how sustainable agriculture can help build strong and vibrant communities. Finally, Farmer Doug