Satsang With Swami Shankarananda

Bhagavan Nityananda - 15 April 2023



In this satsang, Swamiji began by explaining what an A statement is and how these statements help us to ground ourselves in the present. He then spoke briefly about the great sage Bhagavan Nityananda before sharing a number of Bhagavan's extraordinary and unique utterances and remarks that are full of wisdom, shakti and mystery. These were recorded by one of Bhagavan's close disciples and compiled into a book called the Chidakash Gita. The program ended with a meditation focusing on the internal breath. This podcast was recorded live at The Ashram in Mount Eliza on the 15th of April, 2023. Watch the full satsang program with Swamiji and Devi Ma at The Ashram with a weekly subscription to The Ashram Online! This subscription will give you access to a library of over 100 hours of Swamiji's talks, meditation and chanting programs, hatha yoga classes and more. Click here to learn more.