Albuquerque Business Podcast

The Secret to Holding Yourself Accountable



In this episode, we explore the importance of holding oneself accountable as a leader and the benefits that come with it. We'll discuss the story of Derek Jeter, the iconic captain of the New York Yankees, and his lessons on accountability that every leader can learn from. At the end of this post, you'll find a link to a fascinating article that inspired our discussion. The Power of Accountability: Accountability is a crucial component of effective leadership. When a leader holds themselves accountable, they take responsibility for their actions, decisions, and results. This behavior fosters trust, loyalty, and respect from their team members, as they see the leader owning up to their mistakes and working towards improvement. It also encourages a culture of accountability within the organization, where everyone feels responsible for their actions and works together to achieve common goals. Learning from Derek Jeter, The Captain: Derek Jeter, the legendary New York Yankees shortstop, is an excellent example of