

Important messages often get lost in a world where information is at our fingertips 24-7. More than ever, we are inundated with information that makes it difficult to focus on what matters most. Imagine how this impacts your conversation with clients, your spouse, or your significant other. In today’s podcast, Dr. Bray discusses how to increase the impact of your messages in a few simple steps. He also discusses the challenges of being brief and the effect of each of these challenges. Whether you want to improve your communication skills with clients or your presentation skills, this is the podcast for you. *Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less by Joseph McCormack Mind Mapping * * QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Our world is becoming a 30-second soundbite. Our brains are being trained to only listen for a short time.” “It’s not about using the least amount of time. It’s about making the most of the time you have.” “People are drowning in information.” “If I don’t respect their time, they will