Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

How Real Estate Investors Should Organize Their Probate Lists



You know what they say…"The money is in the details," or in some cases, "The devil is in the details."  Today we're talking about how real estate investors should organize their probate lists for maximum profit over time. When you look at how probate leads work, you get a new list each and every month. Looking back at that over a one-year period, you will have 12 new lists in just a year. In 3 years, you will have 36 new groups of leads. That's a lot! The big question is, now that you've got your list, what do you do with it? In today's show, we'll go over why you absolutely must organize your lists, how to do that, and why getting organized will make you more money over time. You'll also discover how to make direct mail marketing to probate leads a painless process by creating systems and outsourcing this whole process.  I have also listed some "must-have" resources for you below. [00:00 - 04:30] Opening Segment • How to organize and utilize probate lists for successful investment • An overview of the probat